Use these cheesy hiking pick up lines for laughs on your next camping trip!
If you’ve ever had the m̶i̶s̶fortune to hike with me, you’ve probably heard at least one un-bear-ably bad pun. This tends to get worse late at night around the campfire or anywhere at altitude. (The rarer the air, the funnier my jokes!)
I blame my love of cheesy “dad jokes” on my Dad and his friends, who took me on my very first long-distance backpacking trips.
Once, while backpacking in Glacier National Park, my dad’s friend Rich (a dad himself) looked at our strategically hung bear bags and noted that we placed them so high, “even Kareem Abdul Ja-BEAR couldn’t reach ’em!”
We groaned but we smiled. I hope this post makes you smile, too, and maybe even earns a groan-smile on your next hiking or camping trip. (I’m writing this in 2020, when we all certainly have enough to groan about!)
Because I have the sense of humor of a preteen boy, I’m publishing these corny one-liners in the form of cheesy outdoorsy pickup lines. Share ’em with your outdoor paramour: if they smile, they’re definitely a keeper. 🙂
Hey, do you have a map? Cause I keep getting lost in your eyes.
Hey, can I borrow your water filter? Cause you’ve got me thinking impure thoughts.
Are you a mountain climber? ‘Cause you really peaked my interest.
Are you a can of bear spray? ‘Cause you really spice things up around here.
This headlamp isn’t the only thing getting turned on tonight.
Are you a mosquito? ‘Cause I’m a sucker for you.
Are you a headnet? ‘Cause I’m buggin’ over how cute you are!
Hey, have you seen Firefall? Cause I’m waterfallin’ for you.
Your legs must be extra tired. Sure, we hiked a lot, but you’ve been runnin’ through my mind all day.
Hey, do you know what this Patagonia puffy is made out of? …Girlfriend material.
Do you want to be in a belaytionship with me? Or do I have to rope you into it?
The first time I saw your hiking boots, I knew we were sole-mates.
Are you backpacker? ‘Cause you got this whole “being attractive” thing in. the. bag.
Hey, are you a bear cub? Because you’re un-bear-ably adorable.
Hey, are you a campfire? ‘Cause you’re super hot and I want s’more.
Hey, are you a GPS? ‘Cause with you, all my dreams are InReach.
Hey, are you a Gossamer Gear tent? ‘Cause I think you might be The One.
Bonus: R-Rated Pickup Lines
Hey, are you a dehydrated meal? ‘Cause all I can think about is getting you wet tonight.
Have you ever had sex while camping? I hear it’s f*cking in-tents.
No need to throw another log on the fire. I’ve got enough wood to keep us warm tonight.
One look at you is enough to erect my tent.
As with all humor and communication, context is king! These are meant to be funny jokes for you and your friends, not actual pick up lines to use on strangers. Please don’t use them to be creepy. 🙂
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