Have you heard the term “granola girl” yet? I immediately knew what it was the first time I heard it on TikTok, but defining it is a little harder. Here’s my best attempt.
Granola girls are earthy, eco-conscious, and a little “out there.” They’re “crunchy” counter-culture hippies, hence the name “granola,” but it’s hippie-lite. They’re progressive liberals who religiously recycle and compost, and they’ve probably tried veganism at least once.
Granola girls (aka “granolas”) love hiking, hammocking, and listening to music like The Lumineers, Caamp, and Fleetwood Mac. Depending on the weather, you’ll find your local granola girl in a Carharrt beanie, a 70s-style headscarf, or a felted wool hat. On their feet they’re sporting Birkenstocks, Chacos, or Blundstones (aka Blundies). But it’s not really about the brands: it’s about feeling different.
Granolas dream of dropping out of school or rejecting the 9-5 to roam the country in a van, go camping with friends, and build tiny cabins in the woods. (#vanlife, anyone?) Guys can be granola, too, but “granola girl” is much more of a thing and an aesthetic.
Granolas drink kombucha, yerba maté, and iced coffee — when they’re not busy hydrating with their reusable water bottle, that is. (Probably a Nalgene or HydroFlask.)
I’d never thought of myself as a granola girl until this year, when I first started posting on TikTok. I got all kinds of comments like “granola goals,” “commenting to stay on granola TikTok” and “granola girl things” on my posts.
So yes, I’m a granola girl. (And proud of it!)
If you’re curious to learn more about what it takes to be a granola girl, check out my Granola Girl Aesthetic Starter Pack post!
Want to connect with fellow Granolas to plan meetups and road trips? Join the Granola Gang FB Group!
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